Tuesday 12 May 2015

still life. ILA. Mari Mahr

Level 5 photography
Still Life- ILA
Mari Mahr

Mari Mahr is an experimental photographer who has a very specific style in telling a story. Within her work she always takes photos and prints them and then layers objects over them before retaking images of them in different positions. Her series 13 clues to a Fictitous crime is an example of her layering as she uses photographs of her moother and objects she has received from her mother which is in her youthful ways as Mari only knew her from early photographs.



Some of these images has given me an insight on how I can stage my objects in the room with a dress or coat on chair representing presence or an before act of the mother going out to party.

I find this artist helped me in ways I could represent my chosen objects to highlight the mother's personality if I am wanting to do close ups and experiment with layering taken images i have took from objects in different positions and relationships with other objects.


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