Thursday 14 May 2015

still life. Documentary. Social Context

Level 5 photography
Still Life- Documentary
Social Context

It is vital that I have included in my documentary still life mini assignment is that the image must have a social context which means the objects refer to the society and how people see things and relate to it. Documentary still life is about having a heavy meaning within a specific genre and focus on peoples lives or events that could be explored if interests me to my idea of documenting student life. Documentary still life can be a way of making an absent portrait of someones personality or telling a story visually through an image on there every day life and hobbies and interests etc.

I feel that my student life holds a social context as much as the photographer Irving Penn as I have been focusing on how he has set up his objects and tied them all together to resemble each other to subject of social gatherings. I wanted to do student life for my documentary project as I wanted to show in ways how young adults in studying wastes their money on drinks and possibly betting to get the stress of their minds and actually feel like they are living life having fun while still young because just working all the time and when your older you look back and see that you have missed out on socializing with different personality traits in people and develop a strong human being learning the dangers around you, find yourself in style and interests and learning things from others and learn from mistakes from being stupid, find love and learn from the hurt. When looking back and all you did was work could bring back boring memories of the studying life of university  but really you should be able to balance out the social and the work and make memories and make use of those young years as possible.

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