Thursday 14 May 2015

still life. ILA. mannequins

Level 5 photography
Still life- ILA
Pinterest research 2 on mannequins

I have researched on Pinterest on people's art to get ideas which is most likely achievable and looks documentary. Looking into Manequines has helped me in which I should dress up my character in my scenery on a specific mother. I wanted my documentary having clothes in it as I wanting to do commercial in level 6 to study fashion photography and lighting in set up more professionally. It has helped looking for artists in Pinterest as the scenes looks beautiful as the artist has stuck with the specific style, all objects relating to each other and colours blending with the dress and shoes, Sandra has used light sweet colours and looks a bit fairy tale as it has a bit of woodland in the image by using branches as picture frame, looks a bit in the days of 1960s as she has used the phone from that decade, she has made this her image as if documenting that a women is getting ready for a serious party or the ball and is winter maybe by the use of tinsel and the pink tree. The mannequin is representing that the women is not high class as the chair and table and window frame paint is chipping off but the class she is in not low but middle as she can afford items that she needs to stand out to people that she is not scruff and can look after herself and not too bad on money. Personality on this image sees to be that she has been in a competition before and has won and is very girly, likes to look her best and likes photography and wildlife.

Sandra Boyd

Carmin L

Carmin image looks very different to Sandra's image as the items seem to be representing what she does to earn money. The way the mannequin is dressed she is very old fashioned  and could be working with horses due to the boot and the belt  or she works in a wood shop. Possibly does some textiles work for a hobby  because the manequinne clothing look half finished and the necklace could represent that she has a lover in her life and he works in the wood workshop and she just lends a hand. Having the lamp in the image could mean that the place she is in she uses a lamp instead of the lights in the house to save money so that wood workshop can carry on and women can carry on with her sewing but lamp could just represent she needs a lamp to see the sewing machine more. The big clock could be that the women or male in her life has to be on time with the work .

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