Monday 26 January 2015

Level 5 photography
Depth of field


I had a session with Tim and was put into groups to practice using the 5x4 field camera to understand the depth of field and know what the large, medium and small depth of field looks like and how far it is when measuring it all with a tape measure and label the sticky labels with the F stops of each standing of the model when in focused and not in focus. we place a minus - like this to show that a Fstop not worked out in focus on position on the ground and place a 0 to show it is successful. 

By using the tape measure we have found out that further away from the camera, the larger depth of field. Aperture can vary when using different lenses such as wide angle lens but if use 90mm lens will give you a wide angle and fit more of the setting  and give a shallow depth of field.

F.5.6-  large aperture, shallow depth of field, mostly the facial features but rest of the image like the background and rest of the body of the subject will be out of focus.

F11 - medium aperture, quick shutter. background will be out of focus

F16- larger aperture,  slow shutter, background and subject will be in focus

manual mode

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