Sunday 3 November 2013

Group Critique

Group critique wasn't that terrifying as I thought, instead it turned out to be good for me to express my interpretation about my work and give me a chance to go out of my comfort zone and talk to the group.

Before I had to began  the group critique I was given a question sheet to help me reflect on my work and others when trying to describe the photographs. The question guide sheet enabled me to think more creatively on idea and the concept when viewing photographs.

The group had to put all of their own folded up descriptions into a hat and then pick one and try and find out which photographs fitted with description which I found difficult and had to repeat reading the description to get my head around it.

After we had found the students work fitted with description I had picked out of hat I then had to talk out loud describing creatively by looking at their photographs and description to help me give out my thoughts on what student is portraying, I said something like she is interested in photographing subjects that are lost and found such as why is their historical structures about what is the fascination of this is their a hidden story behind this.

The frightening thing about this group critique is the thought of students not liking my photographs but had to just take their opinion as it's the eye of the beholder, everyone sees differently.

At the end of the group critique I then had to fill in students strengths and area of development which is helpful for us to improve on a specific weakness.

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