Thursday 19 February 2015

Still life food. David Loftus

Level 5 photography
Still life- Food 
David Loftus

David Loftus photographs for the books of Jamie Oliver, Rachel Koo, Gennaro Contaldo, Elizabeth David and April Bloomfield. David has also shot fashion, portraits, landscapes and reportage for red magazine, Traveller, Soho House, Collette Dinnigan, Indian Hicks and Pippa Middleton.

David's tips on succeeding in taking mouth watering food images is that it is important to photograph  the stylist prepared the food and placed at an angle and shot from that angle.

Food images should tell a story by considering busy hands chopping, fists kneading dough, someone stealing a bite or the remains of the food being taken e.g. crumbs, a sign that someone has been eating and enjoyed the taste or a story where it is showing you the preparation of the food being made.

Should set the scene by choosing the right colour background can enhance  a one dimensional food photo. David carries a selection of stained wooden boards and rich cotton cloths to shoot lots of colour combinations of dishes.

Food photography tips 

1. use neutral backgrounds  to bring out textures in food

2. Shoot often and capture the mess as cooking is messy

3. Take action shots using slow shutter speed to portray energy

4. Use macro lenses to capture close ups

5. Get creative, find an interesting angle even if it means shooting from height or leaning against something.

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