Thursday 13 March 2014

Research: Narrative and Photography

Throughout this module ' Photography and Narrative' is the idea of telling a story within my images showing a start, middle to end. At the beginning of module for part one I was struggling on what theme I could do, at first I thought of recording the popularity of my favourite shop Doc Martins in Durham to get decayed look on building and see if litter is bad around Durham too near the shop and record when the shop or town gets busy during the time of day.  I think that my single narrative image was successful that portrayed to the class it was on about being controlled and being in bad relationships. First lecture I had on narrative with Antony has given me the inspiration on looking at set up shoots, looking into props and face paint by studying Gregory Crewdson and famous painting Ophelia about a muddy death. For part two I really found difficult to get an idea of creating a story in the North East and had thoughts on doing physical and mental violence showing the difference between them and how hurtful and shocking these real situations are in the North East. Half way through the module I started to get a stronger idea on bullying such as cyber, focusing on hurtful verbal comments to put down people's confidence. I wanted use a female model to capture emotion through these words and I know what females get named called as. This module I feel like I have gained more knowledge and a deeper understanding on analyzing about the narrative behind different mediums of producing work by numerous photographers and film makers documenting their experiences of capturing stories around society and industries and their personal lives on how they seen the world and what they done for themselves.  If I was to improve I'll research deeper into bullying and how and why it starts, questioning myself are these people jealous of their target and experiment more by going on location shoots looking into graffiti if there's words there on what youth writes to help out living and do they express their pain in graffiti art. I could of looked into the stereotyping and different types of labeling and try not to make my series look like film scenes and make my images mysterious and not be as much obvious on what my narrative is. The second shoot I did I thought of doing a feel of presence of the model showing her personality in her objects and getting the feel of what kind of person she is and what can be so interesting about keeping toys from a young age can have an impact on what you are, drawings from friends or her own and seeing what type of music she's into and why, is the music soothing to her pain, gives her hope to the future. Overall this module has taught me well to look closely to what the photographer is wanting to portray or narrate and making viewer be in deep thought about the pieces meaning of the story.

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