Monday 10 March 2014

Research: Narrative and Photography
Group Critique part 2 series images

Had a group critique on Friday 28th February and I found it very helpful on finding out how I can develop further within my project. By seeing other people's series it has made me think on what students wanted to portray in their images which I understood some. The group helped each other by placing their series on a long table in mac room and each space of series on table had a sheet to fill with negative, positives and ares of development. Some students just displayed their series on mac screen. The area of development had given me deep thought on making more pictures on my documentary of bullying. They felt like my images were unfinished and need to experiment more on portraying bullying and use other models but I feel using other models could mess up my theme as it's mainly about one person. For next shoot though I'll be getting objects that is important to the female who is bullied by using letters from loved ones, pen pals, apologies or like cards saying congrats on being successful.

Above is my first series shoot on bullying, I used a mirror to draw around models figure so when she walks into bathroom all the mean words are aimed at her because the figure drawn on mirror fits her. Each series is about her trying to rub off the words not wanting words to get inside of her head starting to scar her. After she rubbed off it kinda gave like a bloody effect covering her figure as if to show that she is in pain. I have wrote mean words that the youth gets called to show that they have finally scarred her and starting to believe in them. I done a face paint on her face to show clear emotion of her crying and feeling bruised from words hurting her feelings.  I got the model to look into the mirror differently to get effect of being fed up and feeling bad about herself and ways of looking up the words looking like why they think this, why they want to hurt me so bad, what have I done to deserve this. 

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