Friday 21 March 2014

Research: Landscape Photography
Introduction to the Camera

Monday 17th March I was shown how to set up the monorail  5x4 and field camera, I was very confused found that both cameras were too much to process by the amount of dials and levers that need to be arranged before inserting the lens and film.

Class had to load up one film into the double dark slide using a dark bag with arms attached able for people to access the film box to get film inside a dark slide just using hands and no eyes.

I was using a field camera with a partner to take a portrait of each other underneath an archway door across the ccad college and set up the camera with a tutor and took a light meter reading on model  to get right F stop and shutter speed on lens. After this I had got my partner to to position under arch and focus and close the lens so I could insert my dark slide  and remove the slide so I could expose film.

Friday 21st march the class had been demonstrated on how to develop 12x16 film and new ways on printing and the temperature of using chemicals and right amount on agitating. My practice portrait film i done with  a partner  didn't work out due to the fact that I loaded film wrong in the tent bag as I struggled to lock the dark slide to the image so I think the film got exposed when took it out when i thought i have done it securely.

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