Thursday 27 February 2014

Research: Narrative and Photography
Part 1 Group Critique

Had a group critique on Friday 21st February  a way of presenting our final single narratives to the class. we all shared a magnetic board  in studio and pinned picture up with magnets lining up each others work order for class to know who's column to feedback on. I felt a bit anxious on what people will say about my image and see if they have any negatives.  By lining up the work I could see what people's ideas were and how they created it. Thought it was good that tutor has given us each a sheet it was helpful to make us think deeply on what each student meaning was, is our story we coming up the same to the student and right at the end when we all filled up sheet detailed and able to get involved when chosen to speak our opinions that may help them to write about on their image on blogger with our seeings, meanings and what story their picture could show. Overall I thought the critique was successful as it was was helpful to get feedback from people on how I could have used, positions and backgrounds I could of done and how my own opinions can help other with their work.

The women with an apple all snow white themed was to show that everyday in life when you trust someone you always end up get a rotten mouth. The picture is like showing life always ends in death no matter what and the women looks dead and the black clothing on her could lead to end of her life she has reached and lived it well but shouldn't of trusted too easily.

Picture on the left is like showing that the child has grown up just ditching the toy and moving on to different things. Child letting go on what they were brought up with, caring for toy but now ready to let go and care for something bigger. 

Picture on the right showing youth culture which I think student is showing a negative impact, that its good for the youth to go out showing their attitude to music, being free, social life having a breaking free from stress and disappointments just letting go all in their own world for a couple of hours.

The picture on the bottom of other two on top shows a female squeezing her tummy to show insecure about her body wanting to have curves and be skinny like the magazines.  No matter what every female always grabs some skin on their body thinking oh my god look at that flab. 

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