Monday 9 March 2015

Still life documentary. Narelle Autio's The Summer Of Us

Level 5 photography
Still life documentary
Narelle Autio's The summer Of Us

Autio documents her findings, treating each with the same kind of attention to detail. Thoughtlessly discarded by its owner and then taken back to a studio and place the items against clean white background.

Her collection of images introduces to a continuum existing between manufactured and natural, between ocean and land. lost gloves in her description is that it is slowly grow to resemble five fingered sea creatures and turn to a lost sea creature then becomes a curious object washed up on the shore.

Autios appreciation for the power and poetic transformations of the ocean is portrayed in these images.

Think the idea behind this project of Autio's is showing how people have experiences on the beach and how these objects are used and what happens when left behind for a long time. I won't use this photographer as inspiration for my project but the idea is quite similar to mine in a way as my project based on experience of a student life wasting money on alcohol to reduce stress and catching up with friends and not feeling like they are losing a life due to work load and the fear of losing their friends due to lack of contact and meeting up.

Still Life Documentary. Stephen Gill

Level 5 photography
still life documentary
Stephen Gill

A series of dissapointments

Each of these papers began as hope and was shaped by loss and defeat then cast aside. Their forms reveal a state of mind by grief and nervous tension. The papers reveal the failed bets on lottery or just used bus tickets that no longer need as can't re use but think stephen Gill liked collecting these due to fascination to what happened through the days and where people been and prices and the look on what happens to the paper when left on ground crinkling up and getting soaked leading to being deformed and mis printed. 

I could link my Irving Penn still life influence to this by crinkling and ripping my alcohol receipts instead of playing cards standing against shot glass and can still put at least one playing card facing up and one card back to front and have no cards spread on ground because don't want too much in the image.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Still life documentary. Irving Paann

Level 5 photography
Still life documentary
Irving penn

After doing my first shoot on Irving penn style, I wanted to look further into his work so that I can get more inspiration and not make my set up too similar. By making my photos look different every time I could bring in money that students mostly take with them to spend in clubs after pre drinks at home with mates. I can layout my playing cards by stacking them up like a tower and not just laying against a shot glass or alcohol bottle and spreading on ground and try putting my dice in shot glass so it looks as if the person put it there because losing bets and losing money. I could make by desktop interesting before putting objects on by making it look messy using coffee or tea bags spilled and mixed with alcohol spills so that the picture tells the viewers that students has there bad nights where there not going as planned. 

Still Life Documentary. shoot 1

Level 5 photography
still life documentary
Irving Penn shoot 1 influence

Most of these images have come out blue but it works to give the effect that the Vodka is cold when drinking it.

These images I feel they look too much in style of going into a magazine for advertising Smirnoff and lipsticks and not really in Irving style as much because his are very bold and about the bliss of social gatherings on just doing board games and not as much about females and males wanting to find a love interest or just a one night stand for fun. I guess changing Irving penns style of shooting his way of seeing what social gatherings are compared to now where there's drinking shot games and finding cheep games to play from pound land to keep the guests occupied throughout the night. My next shoot I would like to make my images have more action happening such as alcohol spillages, lipstick stains on glasses, maybe a mobile phone with a text message asking 'if going out tonight to get smashed mate 'or ' can't wait to meet you again, I missed you xxxx'. By doing this it would make my images feel real on what student living is like when getting ready to go out and house parties.


Wednesday 4 March 2015

Documentary Still Life. Researching ideas

Level 5 photography
Documentary still life
Researching ideas

Irving Penn

I feel this image can be seen as both female and male, male as it has many male related items such as cards which could be related to gambling on a guys catch up night at someones house pre drinking and having the tea cup there could mean it is there to symbolize that the scene is about about getting drunk or just merry and tea cup is the hangover cure. I could develop this further by adding in female items and modern items that are used now to have a good time before going into the clubs.


Rankin's rubbish project he took inspiration from Irving Penn's still life.

                                            Kim Szkudlark

Kim is a freelance Graphic designer, she enjoys incorporating personal photography and illustrations into design work.