Thursday 15 May 2014

Level 4 Photography
Film Faults

I had a few black films with no picture forming at all and had to re shoot then had a focusing problem due to not used to using the 5x4 field camera or forgetting to change the dark slide so film goes over exposed. when I first attempted doing this assignment I had trouble putting in the film correctly in dark slides by not sliding into the corners which hold the film in and not be bumpy making hard to put cover back in place to keep film locked inside till exposed and making sure that the rough feeling on right corner of film is touching the right hand side of dark slide. I have taken out a dark slide too early from using the bag as dark slides won't locked properly so light can pass through or too much light hitting the lens leaving a sunlight mark on film. One film wasn't fixed properly which made an foggy looking effect and had to put film in fixer again for 30mins which helped the foggyness disappear looking all cleaned up and good to use to experiment with on enlarger.  
Level 4 photography
Dark Room Process

Doing 12x16 prints is slightly a different process to the first module on street photography using 35mm as we have to use a bigger enlarger. when we did the 35mm we just used tray filled with chemicals but for this module we can still put our prints in trays but we can use a machine that does developer, stop and fix which is a time saver to start onto another print doing test strips and operating the De vere in focus and cropping whilst machine processing print drying it for you to.

I had a border plan where the picture holder 10 inches on height and 12 and a half  inches is width, I set the metal clips inside the picture holder on 1and three quarters inch height and 12 and a half width which is perfect to fit all my image in and not look too stretched and too much.

To process in developing room i had to use a metal cage instead of a tank as the 5x4 camer dont take roll films as we had to use dark slides to put at least one film in each side of dark slide and have to remember to turn over dark slide so that film won't be over exposed or overlap a picture on exposed film.
Level 4 Photography

The concept behind my landscape project that I think I have achieved highly by focusing on urban life in Hartlepool  and did different ways of doing contour lines on grounds to give the image more to look at and not just rot and decayed buildings. Contour lines that are connecting joints and curves equally.On this project was quite similar to the street photography as the developing process was kind of the same which wasn't as frustrating because we learned how to do exposures on a 35mm film camera but this time we have to do a large 5x4 format using dark slides but was a nightmare to get hold of as students in other years were taking them out so there was a lot of complaints from students to other student in my year that they being greedy on taking out 4 or more.  I could of improved this project by being more careful with my negatives as I find scratches and fingerprints so i have to spare time in washing them but then get water marks on and within this university needs to sort out the lack of equipment. First year students were completing project  at the same day meant the dark slides will be gone and the cameras and students will have booked the de vere. This projects had helped me gain more experience in developing film and understand the light meter and start being more comfortable using dark room to print as we have done it before but using a bigger enlarger. I had a few problems with the camera as I wasn't using the light meter properly as I was standing in shadows and not in the light near my location and being forgetful on turning the dark slide over to expose my next film. I could of improved myself using the camera by taking it out more but by myself so I can figure things out myself and possibly stick in my head for future using 5x4 camera again. Doing more shooting with camera would mean I be more confident in setting it all up and enjoy using 5x4 camera and more better choice in choosing finals. This assignment challenged me a lot as I had no experience with camer before but tried to get involved with a partner so I will learn better and help out carrying the kit as its heavy but taught me to find out what my landscape style by adventuring around in hartlepool and artists I chose to research helped to visual my ideal locations. Looking over my printed contact sheets that I should of been shooting different varieties of locations such as seascapes and shooting from high heights to see above rotting building and seeing the hartlepool town more in prospective and view more history of the town and start to see what sort of society standard living it is there. Developing the films was a different task for me as I got used to using the tanks for 35mm in street photography instead we use a metal cage that fits 12 films and using clips to fit film in place and try not make film bumpy and have it straight so that there wont be any water marks and easier for chemicals to fix onto films which was fussy to handle as it's new and easily frustrated when you can't get the film into the cage slot.

Level 4 photography
Final 5 Prints

These five final prints  I chose to focus urban life in Hartlepool such as grown rot on houses doors, bricks and painted walls. I have experimented on angles on shooting my final images by bringing the contour lines on roads and shaping in other objects around that area such as posts for cars to stop parking on the grass. I wanted to make my images look vivd and bold as possible looking like they old and had been taken in the past mixed with now where there's a grown amount of cars where less people walk and just travel instead to save time to spare time for themselves on whatever they their routine in life is. I tried capturing patterns form buildings so that objects won't look dull. 

Friday 2 May 2014

Level 4 photography

How to take images from 5x4 film camera

once the camera is set up correctly and securely, you will the viewing, composition and focusing upside down and reversed from right to left.

Stages of taking an image is that you focus the landscape by twisting the front wheels if the focus is still blurry then try adjusting the aperture. when landscape in focus you can shut shut the lens and cock the camera ready to shoot. then place dark slides inside slot and get light meter and face the object and results show on meter fix it on the lens and make sure light meter on iso 400. when ready to shoot you take out the dark slide cover and click trigger.

Tilting the lens will extend the focus far beyond the effect of using small lens aperture and allow you to get near and far objects in focus the same time. Even if you used the smallest aperture on the lens, you might still a greater depth of field.

Tilting the back away from the lens, you will notice that the size and shape of objects in the foreground become exaggerated and distorted.

If wanting to photograph a building or a stand of trees, yet wanting to keep all lines parallel but must angle the camera upwards to include the scene. rise first to support the camera back parallel to the subject. then by using the rise the lens point of view is moved above eye level to keep vertical lines parellel.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Level 4 photography

Types of landscapes

Political-  meaning spaces and structure designed to preserve a unity and order on the land or keeping a large scale plan and the city of citizens who participated in the making process of structures etc.

Vernacular- cultural landscape that evolved through activities by people of occupancy shaped it.The landscape reflects through  social or cultural attitudes of an individual, a family, or a community, and reflects the physical, biological and cultural citizens of everyday life. Examples include rural historic districts and farming landscape.

Ethnographic- contains a variety of natural and cultural resources that associates people  as a heritage resource  Examples of this is religious sites, geological structures.

Research : Landscape photography
John Schott

This photographer has given me ideas on shooting around corners and focusing on shadows from trees hitting the buildings walls.  John seems to try an get the buildings shape into the image and brings in background to get a sense of atmosphere of the place he shot and popularity of that location.  I would like to do some shots of corners around the front shops to feel like the viewers are traveling with me to find front shops.  Doing front shops can show my viewers the history of hartlepool and get an understanding on why decay and rot makes the buildings interesting.