Thursday 16 October 2014

Level 5 photography

Group Crit 2

On Thursday 16th October I have shown my sketch ideas and Tim walker research as they relate to my sketches on using the woods materials to the class but not every student seen them as tutor put as all into communicating with a partner to give feed back by saying what they see in image and what the photographer intentions are and what understanding they getting by looking at the images.

I didn't have any images to show as my sister was ill during the weekend and couldn't experiment more on the day dreaming fantasy and following through the phrase 'books can take you anywhere' but thought what about i have a go in the studio and slip away from the fantasy and make my image more reality and meaningful to others and not do too much ideas based around the woods because could become boring and coming to a stage where am like ' done that time to move one'. I was going to do studio shoots on Wednesday 14th October but my second model who's my neighbor in the halls of residence and does the same course as me was going to help me set up lighting as am not entirely sure how to work everything and i help out being a model for her portraits project but fell ill.

Feed back from my sketches is that they are very detailed documentary of my plans of shooting in studio but said I should place where am placing the lights in the sketch and what lights going to be used to be more organized. Partners liked how I have placed props into the scene that helps to tell my story more into detail and one of the partners said my sketches representing people with agoraphobia.

Tim Walker Research

Agoraphobia photography images

Antonio Figueiredo
Agoraphobia by Antonio-Figueiredo

Vladimir Frumin
“The sound of agoraphobia” “The magic ball”

Agoraphobia meaning- is a fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult. Many people assume it simply means a fear of open spaces. They will avoid situations that cause anxiety and may only leave the house with a friend or partner. Many agoraphobics also fear being left alone, dislike being in any situation where they feel trapped and fear travelling away from their safe place usually home.

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